Thousand Little Steps

When the poppies were shining bright with dew drops
When the sun was peeping from the sky
Little Beetle set out to see the world
“Give me your hand” said mumma Beetle
Little Beetle said..”today I want to walk..I will walk to the misty garden
near the cliff and stand on the tallest leaf to see the big bright yellow
Smiles, laughter and joy filled up the journey of Beetles.
Little Beetle crawling slowly ..saw the first sun rays of the day
So beautifully Sun has laid out the rays on the grass

The dreary eyes of everyone along the path are now staring at them
Mumma Beetle sees the same looks and whispers everyday
Little Beetle is playfully striving to reach the cliff
Little Beetle falls numerous times…yet he keeps trying..mumma keeps trying
Then he sees his friends climbing the cliff without any struggle
“Why not me?”…says little Beetle
Mumma dearest finds hard to find the words
Some of his friends along the way laugh at them
Some joke about his legs…

Little Beetle reaches near the cliff..his big friends push him..they hate him
But little beetle still wants to play with his friends
One day everyone is playing near poppy flowers
Little beetle jumps with the help of his new friends
But the watchful eyes of big beetles don’t like it
They want to push little beetle away
They want him squashed
They want him to disappear
But little beetle and mumma dearest don’t give up
They travel high…high up to the hills
They withstand snow, hailstorms
They keep walking.. they don’t lose hope
They leave new trail for others
Little beetle goes through thousand little steps
Tiny profound steps of change

For him….and for others.